Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Thoughts

It's been about a year in the works, but I'm finally preparing for my first journey across the pond, to Europe. I decided, even before I enrolled at the University of Chicago, that I would apply to study abroad in Paris. I began studying the french language when I was 11 years old, and have taken it, without breaks, since then. I tell people a lot that my french is "close to fluent." I tell them that my academic french is as far as it will go, I can read and analyze a book just fine, but I can't get by in everyday life without losing it. The next natural step in my progression, then, is to immerse myself in the language, and with it, the culture.

According to my flight information I leave in 19 days. A little less than three weeks and I'll be on an overnight flight to Charles de Gaulle airport. It will be my first time flying completely alone, and my first overnight flight. I've only left the country on two occassions, both times to Canada. The first was a short jaunt to Sault Ste. Marie with my family several years ago. We could still see the United States from our hotel window. The second was a Model United Nations trip to Montreal my Senior Year of High School. It was fun, but we spent more time in the competition than really exploring the city.

This will be different. I'll be in Paris from September 25th until March 15th. That is nearly six months. Plenty of time to get to know the city better than a tourist. I'll have the opportunity to see other parts of Europe as well. In November I'm planning a trip to London, England and Dublin, Ireland. I'll have friends studying in both places, so it will be an exciting opportunity to explore new places, from the perspective of a student. In December I'll have almost four weeks to myself, between programs, to explore Europe. I still don't know where I'm going, but I would love to see Spain, Portugal, and Italy. I plan on purchasing a Rail Pass before I leave the States for this adventure. Finally, I'll have a week off in February to travel as well. I'm not even going to start thinking of where I'll go then. It's a long ways out.

Until my depart I'll be doing a lot. I've got to create packing lists, and figure out what to leave behind, because I overpack like you wouldn't believe. I've got to book tickets and hostels for some of my adventures that are coming up. I've got to finalize purchases, set up bank accounts, cell phones, you name it. And I've got to head down to Chicago to visit the French Consulate to set up a visa.

Three weeks may seem like forever, but with so much to do, it almost doesn't seem long enough. Until then...

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